5-17 Vendor Panel
今天要來製作商店功能嘍!玩家要購買物品時,可以用滑鼠右鍵點擊商店的物品,也可以將背包的物品丟到商店內,藉以賣掉物品。首先,我們來複製Chest Panel當作Vendor Panel吧。
然後將多餘的Slot刪除,因為我們需要建立新的Vendor Slot,是專屬給商店用的Slot。
5-15 Create Character Panel And Wear Equipment
接著要在背包內加入金錢的機制,在Knapsack Panel新增UI/Image,取名為Coin。
然後將多餘的Slot刪除,因為我們需要建立新的Vendor Slot,是專屬給商店用的Slot。
5-15 Create Character Panel And Wear Equipment
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; namespace RPG.Inventory{ public class VendorSlot : Slot { public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData){ if (eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Right && inventorySystem.isPickedItem == false && transform.childCount > 0) { Item clickedItem = transform.GetChild (0).GetComponent().Item; inventorySystem.BuyItem (clickedItem); } else if (eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left && inventorySystem.isPickedItem == true) { if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.Z)) { // 壓住Z鍵時,一次只販售一個 inventorySystem.SellItem (1); } else { // 販售全部物品 inventorySystem.SellItem (inventorySystem.GetPickedItem().Amount); } } } } }
接著要在背包內加入金錢的機制,在Knapsack Panel新增UI/Image,取名為Coin。
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; namespace RPG.Inventory{ public class InventorySystem : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] ToolTip toolTip; [SerializeField] ItemUI pickedItem; [SerializeField] CharacterProperty characterProperty; public bool isPickedItem = false; ItemList itemList; Slot[] slotList; int coinAmount = 100; Text coinText; void Start () { ParseItemsJson (); slotList = GetComponentsInChildren(); coinText = GameObject.Find ("Coin").GetComponentInChildren (); coinText.text = coinAmount.ToString(); InitialVendorItem (); } void Update(){ PressGToAddItem (); MovePickedItemByMousePosition (); DiscardPickedItem (); } private bool ConsumeCoin(int amount){ if (coinAmount > 0) { coinAmount -= amount; coinText.text = coinAmount.ToString (); return true; } return false; } private void EarnCoin(int amount){ coinAmount += amount; coinText.text = coinAmount.ToString (); } public void BuyItem(Item item){ bool isSuccess = ConsumeCoin (item.BuyPrice); if (isSuccess) { StoreItem (item); } } public void SellItem(int sellAmount){ int sellPrice = pickedItem.Item.SellPrice * sellAmount; ReducePickedItem (sellAmount); EarnCoin (sellPrice); } public void PickupItem(Item item, int amount){ pickedItem.SetItem (item, amount); pickedItem.Show (); toolTip.Hide (); isPickedItem = true; } public void ReducePickedItem(int amount){ pickedItem.ReduceAmount(amount); if (pickedItem.Amount <= 0) { isPickedItem = false; pickedItem.Hide (); } } public void WearingEquipment(ItemUI equipmentToWear){ if ((equipmentToWear.Item is Equipment) == false) { return; } foreach(Slot slot in slotList){ EquipmentSlot equipmentSlot = (slot as EquipmentSlot); if(equipmentSlot && equipmentSlot.EquipmentTypeIsEqual (equipmentToWear.Item)){ if (equipmentSlot.transform.childCount > 0) { // 人物已配戴裝備了,將裝備與背包的裝備交換 equipmentSlot.GetComponentInChildren ().ExchangeItem(equipmentToWear); } else { // 人物未配戴裝備,直接穿上 equipmentSlot.StoreItem (equipmentToWear.Item); // 銷毀背包內的裝備 Destroy (equipmentToWear.gameObject); } break; } } UpdatePropertyText (); } public ItemUI GetPickedItem(){ return pickedItem; } public Slot[] GetSlotList(){ return slotList; } public void ShowToolTip(string content){ toolTip.Show (content); } public void HideToolTip(){ toolTip.Hide (); } public void UpdatePropertyText(){ characterProperty.UpdatePropertyText (); } public bool StoreItem(int id){ Item item = GetItemByID (id); return StoreItem (item); } public bool StoreItem(Item item){ if (item == null) { return false; } // 若物品的儲存容量為1,則將該物品直接放進空的Slot if (item.Capacity == 1) { return StoreItemInEmptySlot (item); } // 將相同的Item放在同一個Slot return StoreItemInSameSlot(item); } private bool StoreItemInSameSlot(Item item){ foreach (Slot slot in slotList) { // 避開VendorSlot if (slot is VendorSlot) { continue; } if (slot.transform.childCount >= 1 && slot.GetItemID () == item.ID && slot.IsFilled () == false) { // 將新Item與同一個Item放在一起 slot.StoreItem (item); return true; } } // 若背包內不存在相同的Item,則放進空的Slot return StoreItemInEmptySlot (item); } private bool StoreItemInEmptySlot(Item item){ foreach (Slot slot in slotList) { // 避開VendorSlot if (slot is VendorSlot) { continue; } if (slot.transform.childCount == 0) { // 將Item存進該Slot slot.StoreItem (item); return true; } } Debug.LogError ("No Empty Slot."); return false; } private void PressGToAddItem(){ // 測試程式碼,手動生成物品 if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.G)) { StoreItem (Random.Range(1,17)); } } private void InitialVendorItem(){ Item[] vendorItemList = new Item[10]; // 手動初始化要放入商店的物品 vendorItemList [0] = GetItemByID (1); vendorItemList [1] = GetItemByID (2); vendorItemList [2] = GetItemByID (3); vendorItemList [3] = GetItemByID (4); vendorItemList [4] = GetItemByID (5); vendorItemList [5] = GetItemByID (6); vendorItemList [6] = GetItemByID (7); vendorItemList [7] = GetItemByID (8); vendorItemList [8] = GetItemByID (1); vendorItemList [9] = GetItemByID (2); foreach (Item item in vendorItemList) { foreach (Slot slot in slotList) { // 限定Slot類型為VendorSlot VendorSlot vendorSlot = (slot as VendorSlot); // 如果同類型物品疊加在一起 if (vendorSlot && slot.transform.childCount >= 1 && slot.GetItemID () == item.ID && slot.IsFilled () == false) { slot.StoreItem (item); break; } // 如果沒有同類物品,則放入空Slot else if (vendorSlot && slot.transform.childCount == 0) { slot.StoreItem (item); break; } } } } private void MovePickedItemByMousePosition(){ if (isPickedItem) { // 將滑鼠座標轉換成Canvas上的座標 Vector2 position; Canvas canvas = GetComponentInParent