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4-19 Congratulation

恭喜大家,RPG Core Combat大概至此告一個段落了!感謝一同看這個網誌的同伴,陪伴著我一起度過這段學習遊戲製作的時光,課程到這個階段就結束了。相信跟著前四章一起學習用Unity製作遊戲都獲得不少收穫吧,至少可以做得出以下這樣的遊戲了。


1-1 Set Up A Combat Sandbox

1-2 A Simple DIY Follow Camera 

1-3 Pan And Tilt Camera Options

1-4 Using Raycasts To Query Click 

1-5 Click Mouse To Move 

1-6 Organizing Project For Teamwork 

1-7 Using Cursor Affordances 

1-8 Gamepad Movement Mode 

1-9 Bug Fixes - Using Delegate in C# 

2-1 Using Gizmos To Visualise Code 

2-2 Player Health Bar UI 

2-3 Enemy Floating Health Bar

2-4 Set Your Art Direction 

2-5 Creating Terrain

2-6 Commenting Your Level 

2-7 Standardising Scene Setup 

2-8 Help Writing Physics Code

2-9 Make Enemies Pathfind To Player

2-10 Fully Event Based Raycasting

2-11 Writing Custom Editors

2-12 Player Pathfinding To Enemies 

2-13 Importing Humanoid Animations 

2-14 Using Interfaces In C# 

2-15 Enemy Attack Spheres And Spawning Enemy Projectile

2-16 InvokeRepeating() vs StartCoroutine() 

2-17 Player Melee Damage

2-18 Using The Trail Renderer Component 

2-19 Playable Level With Combat

2-20 Preventing Projectile Pass-Through

2-21 Fix Wobbly Character 

2-22 Set Dressing Our Level

2-23 Adding Water And Trees And Movement Bug

2-24 Asset Showcase Scene 

2-25 Introducing Scriptable Objects

2-26 Problems With Prefabs

2-27 Import Mechanim Animation Pack

2-28 Projectiles Discriminate

3-1 Using Namespaces In C#

3-2 The Animator Override Controller 

3-3 Trigger Player Hit Animation And Audio On Radius

3-4 Changing Your Skybox

3-5 Bridges And Navmesh

3-6 Enemy Mesh Antics 

3-7 Adding An Energy Mechanic

3-8 Simplifying Click To Move And Click To Attack 

3-9 Special Abilities System Overview

3-10 Create An Area Of Effect Ability 

3-11 Regenerating Energy Over Time 

3-12 Game Feel 

3-13 Player Damage & Death Sound

3-14 Player Death Animation

3-15 Assets And Improvements

3-16 Using Image Fill In UI

3-17 Glowing Dust Effect 

3-18 Spawning Particles At Runtime 

3-19 Self Heal Special Ability Challenge 

3-20 Triggering Special Abilities From Keys 

3-21 Add An Effect Audio On Special Abilities 

3-22 Critical Hit And Weapon Bonus 

3-23 Trigger To Move Main Camera 

3-24 Finishing The AOE And Self Heal Particle Effect

3-25 Section 3 Wrap Up

4-1 From Interface To Inheritance 

4-2 Making Abstract Methods Concrete

4-3 Weapon Pickup Points 

4-4 Eliminate AICharacterControl 

4-5 Simplify Unity's ThirdPersonCharacter Class 

4-6 Eliminating ThirdPersonCharacter.cs 

4-7 Extracting a DamageSystem Component 

4-8 Centralizing Special Ability Code 

4-9 Having Character Build Themselves 

4-10 A SetDestination Movement API 

4-11 Extracting WeaponSystem

4-12 Enemy AI Behaviour

4-13 Automatic Repeat Attacking

4-14 Special Ability Animations 

4-15 Finishing The Weapon System

4-16 NPCs That Don't Hit 

4-17 Wandering NPCs 

4-18 Create A Magic Wand And Spawn Fireball 
