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5-2 Level of Detail (LOD)


When a GameObject in the scene is a long way from the camera, the amount of detail that can be seen on it is greatly reduced. However, the same number of triangles will be used to render the object, even though the detail will not be noticed. An optimisation technique called Level Of Detail (LOD) rendering allows you to reduce the number of triangles rendered for an object as its distance from the camera increases. As long as your objects aren’t all close to the camera at the same time, LOD will reduce the load on the hardware and improve rendering performance.


首先,大家可以在場景中的Gizmos選項打開Selection Wire,方便觀察3D模型的精緻程度。


我們當然會希望使用者在最靠近這個錘子的時候,可以看見最精緻的模型。首先我們建立一個Empty GameObject,並新增一個Component,名為LOD Group。

大家可以看見LOD Group共有四個層級,最後一個層級名為Culled,當玩家距離3D模型太遙遠時,將會直接關閉顯示該模型。


如下圖,LOD 0為最精緻的程度。

接著推拉攝影機,發現錘子模型被切換到LOD 1,但由於距離相當遙遠,我們的肉眼無法準確地看出這個錘子變得沒那麼精緻了。

於LOD Group中也可以針對層級設定距離唷,就請大家依據自己的喜好進行調整吧。
