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1-3 Pan And Tilt Camera Options

此時,你可以再從Project視窗中把剛剛儲存的Camera Arm.prefab移回場景中,就能發現相機仍可以正常運作。

【基本教學】預製物件 - Prefab

GameObject 與 Prefab 的區別與建立

It is convenient to build a GameObject in the scene by adding components and setting their properties to the appropriate values. This can create problems, however, when you have an object like an NPC, prop or piece of scenery that is reused in the scene several times. Simply copying the object will certainly produce duplicates but they will all be independently editable. Generally, you want all instances of a particular object to have the same properties, so when you edit one object in the scene, you would prefer not to have to make the same edit repeatedly to all the copies.

Fortunately, Unity has a Prefab asset type that allows you to store a GameObject object complete with components and properties. The prefab acts as a template from which you can create new object instances in the scene. Any edits made to a prefab asset are immediately reflected in all instances produced from it but you can also override components and settings for each instance individually.



 匯入以後就會在Standard Assets/Cameras/Prefabs底下發現四種相機:
1. CctvCamera
2. FreeLookCamera
3. HandheldCamera
4. MultipurposeCamera

今天試用了兩種相機,首先FreeLook相機,除了相機會跟隨著人物角色移動以外,還可以用滑鼠操控不同視角,從各種角度觀察人物角色。類似於ThirdPerson Camera,許多線上遊戲也都是使用這種相機,感謝Unity幫我們寫好了相機!


