2-20 Preventing Projectile Pass-Through
Collision Detection
Used to prevent fast moving objects from passing through other objects without detecting collisions.
- Discrete
Use Discrete collision detection against all other colliders in the scene. Other colliders will use Discrete collision detection when testing for collision against it. Used for normal collisions (This is the default value).
- Continuous
Use Discrete collision detection against dynamic colliders (with a rigidbody) and continuous collision detection against static MeshColliders (without a rigidbody). Rigidbodies set to Continuous Dynamic will use continuous collision detection when testing for collision against this rigidbody. Other rigidbodies will use Discrete Collision detection. Used for objects which the Continuous Dynamic detection needs to collide with. (This has a big impact on physics performance, leave it set to Discrete, if you don’t have issues with collisions of fast objects)
- Continuous Dynamic
Use continuous collision detection against objects set to Continuous and Continuous Dynamic Collision. It will also use continuous collision detection against static MeshColliders (without a rigidbody). For all other colliders it uses Discrete collision detection. Used for fast moving objects.
簡而言之,會快速移動的物體需要設定成Continuous Dynamic,而被偵測的物體設定成Continuous。所以,我們先選擇會快速移動的Projectile物件。
將Sphere Collider的Is Trigger關掉。
並將Rigidbody的Collision Detection設定成Continuous Dynamic,並將Mass設為0(否則人物角色被那顆球球打中以後會向後移動)。
Player的Rigidbody的Collision Detection設定成Continuous。
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Projectile : MonoBehaviour { public float projectileSpeed; float damageCaused; public void SetDamage(float damage){ damageCaused = damage; } void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision){ // 取得Component為IDamageable Component damageableComponent = collision.gameObject.GetComponent (typeof(IDamageable)); // 若IDamageable存在 if (damageableComponent) { // 呼叫damageableComponent的TakeDamage方法 (damageableComponent as IDamageable).TakeDamage (damageCaused); } // 自我消滅 Destroy(gameObject); } }